• I support the investments creating clean technologies and jobs by our federal and state governments.

  • I find it odd that I need to opine about a topic between a women and their doctors. I support this unenumberated right for women and would support legislation as necessary to combat the illogical "pro-life" agenda.

    FYI- Kimberly Ferguson, my competitor, has earned a 100% score, for years, from the Massachusetts Citizens for Life, an anti-abortion interest group.

  • Term limits need to be imposed where they are not currently. No one should be able to entrench themselves so deeply into our governments that they can create policy to ensure their candidacy from a challenger.

  • Massachusetts is the worst out of all 50 states in terms of voter access to the activities of our three branches of government. We are the only state where the legislative, judicial, and executive branches are not required to follow open records laws. How are voters supposed to make good, informed decisions without good information? I support Diana DiZoglio's efforts and any other legislation that would shine some light on our closed state government.

  • In my private sector job, I look at various processes and try to make them smooth and efficient. I will take my experience to Boston to help make our government work better for the tax paying people.

  • I feel like our culture gets hung up on proper nouns at the expense of actual policy debate. I don't like tribal disputes when we have real issues to solve. When I was in the military, the only thing that mattered was completing the mission not where you came from or political affliation.

  • I own two firearms. Neither of which are an AR style weapons. I support three types of firearm legistlation which are limiting caliber and magazine size, red flag laws and increasing firearm training. As a Marine, I am thoroughly trained with small arms. I would like those civilian that have small arms to have the same or similar training. The length of the training allows for better identification of those individuals that should not have weapons.

    To those who think firearms should be banned outright, I have sympathy for that cause. I also believe that an outright ban is not going to happen in my lifetime (see Scotus ruling on Bruen).

    To those that think that firearms should not be regulated at all, I would simply point to multiple mass shootings around the country against unequivocally innocent victims and ask where your heart is.

  • Nope, my mother, my father, and the Marines told me not to act like that.